Gwyneth Paltrow Takes on Internet Haters Vicariously Through 'Glee'

Gwyneth Paltrow at a Book Signing                                                                  ZIMBIO

Gwyneth Paltrow hasn't had a great relationship with the Internet. Commenters regularly take swipes at her on gossip sites, and her lifestyle website,, is mostly an object of derision online.

While Gwyneth has wisely avoided picking a fight with her online bullies, she wasn't afraid to stand up to them vicariously through her Glee character last night. When Holly Holliday took a break to deal with some haters who were heckling the talent on the new episode, the conversation quickly turned into a commentary on anonymous Internet criticism.

"Technology has allowed us to be brutally cruel without suffering any consequences," one of the hecklers explains. With the ball on the tee, Gwyneth/Holly comfortably smashed it out of the park with an argument that chould have just as easily shown up on a Goop posting.

"I get it. We live in a culture of insults. I mean, we're constantly bombarded with these images of people who are richer than us, and happier than us, and have more interesting sex than us, and it makes us feel terrible," she explains.

"You know, we tear them down to feel better about ourselves, and we don't just stop with the people who are on TV or in magazines, we do it to everybody and we think that because it's done anonymously there are no ramifications. But there are ramifications, guys, because it makes you comfortable with insensitivity."


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