Justin Bieber Heat Magazine Meltdown

Justin BieberJustin Bieber has a meltdown during a recent interview with Heat Magazine.

Justin Bieber had a meltdown during a recent interview with Heat Magazine when he was asked questions about his personal life. It seems like the 16-year-old got a bit flustered when he was asked about Cheryl Cole and Selena Gomez. Bieber better get used to it as it only gets worse the more popular you become in the industry.

Everyone’s favorite Canadian superstar Justin Bieber recently suffered a meltdown during an interview. When asked about his relationship with Cheryl Cole and if Biebs would ever take her out on a date, he got all fussy. I hope Cole doesn’t read the interview because Bieber was kind of mean towards her with his comments. He said she’s “too old” which isn’t very nice to say about someone you supposedly look up to.

The next topic was of course the recent Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez kissing pictures. When the question was asked Bieber just said he get’s asked that way too much. Well, maybe you can stop having it asked if you just answer the damn question. You are a cultural phenomenon so I don’t know how you think you will have a personal life… being in the spotlight comes with the territory.


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