Was the Sarah Palin gun target map of democrats part of the reason for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shooting?
On Sarah PalinSarah Palin's website, there was a map of the United States with gun targets placed over democratic lawmakers. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was one of the targets.
MSNBC's Keith OlbermannKeith Olbermann said, "if there are crosshairs over a Congresswoman's name in October, and a former Vice Presidential candidate congratulating herself on her 'bullseye' campaign in November, and on a Friday the Congresswoman trades e-mails with a Republican about the need to tamp down the divisiveness and rhetoric, and on the Saturday she gets shot using a gun magazine that would've been unavailable if the Assault Weapons Ban hadn't expired."
Olbermann added, "The idea of 'coincidence' becomes increasingly irrelevant. The crazed do not need much to set them off," according to the Washington Post.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords may be the victim of more than bullet. Two years of mean-spirited conservative rhetoric may have sparked the assignation attempt.