NEWS FROM ARCHIVE : November 26 2010, 12:00 pm

Katy Perry keeps forgetting she is married.
The 'Firework'singer tied the knot with comedian Russell Brand, 35, in an intimate ceremony in India last month but still can't get used to calling him her husband.
She said: "I forget to call him 'my husband' sometimes and still say 'my boyfriend'. But I'll get there."
Katy and Russell spend yesterday's (25.12.10) Thanksgiving with the singer's parents in Santa Barbara, and though she had promised their celebration would be as "wild" as usual, the family were making one change - a tofu turkey to please the vegetarian funnyman.
She said: "We're gonna cook a tofu turkey!"
Speaking about the family celebrations she added: "We're gonna put him through it again. Ha!"
Though Katy keeps forgetting she is married to Russell, her parents Keith and Mary Hudson are thrilled to have welcomed him into their family.
Keith said recently: "I could not have wished for a better son-in-law in Russell. He makes my girl so happy. She's so happy and he makes her light up. They're going to be just fine.
"You couldn't see two f***ing happier people."